Chernye Metally

The No. 8 issue of "Chernye metally" journal is opened by the conventional section "Development of metallurgy in Russia and other CIS countries".
V. S. Dub, A. N. Romashkin and other specialists from TsNIITMASH Institute have presented the large review devoted to development of steel ingot casting technology. All stages of this technological chain, that are required for providing proper quality of steel ingots in correspondence with up-to-date machine-building standards, are displayed.
Another review describing the current state of national rolling production has been prepared by S. V. Rodinkov and A. M. Kriventsov, the specialists of VNIIMetMash Institute. The brief survey of the projects of rolling equipment that are now under preparing in this scientific-technical and engineering-designing center is given.
The problems of complete preparation and training of designing engineers, meeting the requirements of the current industrial development, are elucidated in the paper by A. B. Netkachev et al. from the Institute of Material Science and metallurgy of the Ural Federal University and Uralgipromez. The authors substantiated necessity of preparing of the project chief engineers, or managers on development of industrial complexes.
The section "Iron and Steel Production" includes two papers. The first of them is an economical review and examines the challenges and ways of the European iron and steel industry from the customer's point of view, while the second is scientific-technical one, presenting the results of the research project of ArcelorMittal Hamburg GmbH and the Institute of Automation of Helmut Schmidt University in Hamburg. This project was devoted to the model of adjusting of DRI feed intensity during charging in the electric arc furnace.
Three articles are located in the section "Surface coating and processing". M. Nörteshauser and his colleagues from the leading European steel producers have described their experience about usage of control systems for surface quality of steel products at their works in Ijmuiden, Linz, Salzgitter, Duisburg, Bremen and Hagen. I. Trenkner has analyzed possibilities of usage of the new MagiZinc zinc-magnesium coating produced by tat Steel for automotive industry. The problem of drying of strip coating using infrared rays has been investigated in the paper by M. Angerstein.
Wide possibilities of efficient steel usage as material in different fields are presented also in this issue, as well as two actual analytical reviews by H. J. Kerkhoff, the President of "Steel" economical union.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Development of steel ingot casting technology |
Авторы | V. S. Dub, A. N. Romashkin, A. N. Malginov, I. A. Ivanov |
Информация об авторах | State Research Center «CNIITMASH» (Moscow, Russia): Dub V. S., Dr. Eng., Scientific Director of the Institute of Metallurgy and Machine-Building, |
Название | Several aspects of current development of rolling production in Russia |
Авторы | S. V. Rodinkov, A. M. Kriventsov |
Информация об авторах | All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Metallurgical Machinery (Moscow, Russia): Rodinkov S. V., Cand. Eng., Head opf Rolling Mills Dept., |
Название | Modern industrial development needs in training of specialists for metallurgical works |
Авторы | A. B. Netkachev, I. S. Plakhotin, S. V. Solovyev, V. V. Shimov |
Информация об авторах | Ural State Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Netkachev A. B., Ass. Prof., Chair of Metal Forming, Institute of Material Science and Metallurgy,
Uralgipromez ISC (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Solovyev S. V., Cand. Phys. Math., Head of IT Dept. |
Iron and steelmaking | |
Название | Challenges to European steel industry from the custoner’s perspective |
Авторы | A. Hauger, T. Vietoris, V. Bentfeld |
Информация об авторах | Benteler Steel/Tube GmbH (Paderborn, Germany): Hauger H., Dr. Eng., CEO E-mail (common): |
Название | Temperature-based DRI feeding into electric arc furnaces |
Авторы | M. Andersson, V. Haverkamp, K. Krüger, A. Jüchter, U. Brawn |
Информация об авторах | Helmut-Schmidt University (Hamburg, Germany): Andersson M., Mag. Eng., Scientifi c Fellow, Automation Institute,
ArcelorMittal Hamburg GmbH (Hamburg, Germany): |
Coating and Surface Treatment | |
Название | Optimized Zn–Mg-coating for extra large steel sheets for automotive industry |
Автор | I. Trenkner |
Информация об авторе | PR People International GmbH and Co. KG (Mühlheim an der Ruhr, Germany): Trenkner I., PR Manager, |
Название | Optimization of the coil coating process via drying by infrared rays |
Автор | M. Angerstein |
Информация об авторе | GoGaS Goch GnbH & Co. KG (Dotrmund, Germany): Angerstein M., Mag. Eng., |
Название | M. Nцrtesheuser, J. Brandenburger, K. Jonker, A. Kogler, M. Krдtzner, W. Mimahl, G. Moninger, S. Schultz, S. Wiesemann. Surface inspection systems for steel products |
Service and Technical Maintenance | |
Название | For the whole lifetime of the plant — more than a service concept |
Авторы | P. Tesè, Ch. Häusler |
Информация об авторах | SMS Siemag AG (Düsseldorf, Germany): Tesè P., Mag. Eng., Division Management Service |
Steel as material | |
Название | From atom to automobile |
Автор | K. Müllges |
Информация об авторе | Cologne, Germany: Müllges K., Freelance Journalist |
Название | Pilot engineering project for efficient mobility |
Название | High-strength and well-formable light steel components |
Название | New steels provide mass and cost saving for chassis |
Название | High-tech steels for US automotive industry |
Название | Construction of automobiles with sun batteries and using light steel components |
Название | Challenging constructions of stainless steels |
Название | Decorating of building faces with steel: ice crystals and metallic glitter |
Название | Steel sculptures showing the way |
Название | To save lifes with the help of stainless steel |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Politicians needs to change prospects |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Информация об авторе | «Steel» Economical Union, VDEh Steel Insrtitute (Düsseldorf, Germany): Kerkhoff H. J., President and CEO, |
Название | Steel demand: slight uptake continues |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Информация об авторе | «Steel» Economical Union, VDEh Steel Insrtitute (Düsseldorf, Germany): Kerkhoff H. J., President and CEO, |