Chernye Metally

The No. 5 issue of "Chernye metally" journal ismainly devoted to 75th anniversary of Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works. The insert includes 10 articles describing all main technological stages at the enterprise - cokemaking shop, iron and steel production, continuous casting, rolling and finishing og section steel, rails, beams and wheel bands, as well as analytical and control methods and environmental policy.
The translated section is presented mostly by the section "Iron and Steel Production".
H. Fischer from Tata Steel has observed putting into practice HIsarna process in order to minimize carbon emissions and energy expenses. H. Kappes and D. Michels (Paul Wurth) have described solving the problem of dry slag granulation with utilization of released power, and testing of this technology at the pilot unit of Dillingen works.
The problems of explosion safety at vacuum steel decarburizing units were the subject of investigation made by W. Burgmann and U. Zöllig; they have investigated possibility of forming of dangerous combination of burning gases, vapours and oxygen and displayed necessity to certify vacuum units in accordance to the European regulations.
G. Kordel, H. Köchner and H. Fischer from the Institute of Industrial Researches VDEh and Minkon company have conducted investigations based on steel homogenization temperature monitoring in a ladle furnace via continuous measurements. The new method allows to adjust temperature to the preset level.
Egyptian metallurgists together with the scientists from the national University of Science and Technology "MISiS" have conducted large investigation on steel melting with usage of metallized pellets and HBI with increased phosphorus content in charge materials. The improved melting technology has been proposed and tested at EZZ Flat Steel works.
Several materials in this issue are devoted to training and education of the specialists as well as demographic problems in current HR work for metallurgical plants.
To crlrbrate the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the World War II, the history of the tank museum at Uralvagonzavod and the page from war way of Boris Husid, the first chief editor of "Chernye Metally" are observed. on.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
75th anniversary of Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC | |
Название | Wheel bands with increased strength and crack resistance for locomotives of new generation |
Авторы | A. V. Kushnarev, Yu. P. Petrenko, G. I. Bryunchukov, A. V. Sukhov |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works – “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Kushnarev A. V., Dr. Eng., Managing Director, e-mail:
“Railway Research Institute” JSC (Moscow, Russia): |
Название | Rise of efficiency of the integrated metallurgical plant with gas separation technology in cokemaking production |
Автор | R. R. Gilyazetdinov |
Информация об авторе | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Gilyazetdinov R. R., Deputy Chief Engineer of Coke-Chemical Production, e-mail: |
Название | Improvement of construction of blast furnace tuyeres at Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works – “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC |
Авторы | Yu. S. Maksimenko, B. S. Tleugabulov |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works – “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Maksimenko Yu. S., Senior Operator of Charge Feeding of the Blast Furnace Shop
Nizhniy Tagil Technological Institute, a branch of the Ural Federal University (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): |
Название | Development of quality evaluation criteria for periclase-carbonaceous refractories and their effect on increase of resistance of converter lining |
Авторы | L. V. Serova, E. V. Chudinova, M. A. Khoroshikh. |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Serova L. V., Cand. Eng., Head of Laboratory of Refractory Materials Research of the Central Quality Laboratory, phone: (3435) 49-75-50 |
Название | Proposals for constructive design of oxygen lance providing non-stationary blowing in the basic oxygen process |
Авторы | E. A. Pakshintsev, Yu. D. Isupov |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Pakshintsev E. A., Assistant Steelmaker, Basic Oxygen Shop |
Название | Development of soft reduction conditions for slab billet casting at the No. 4 continuous caster of “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC |
Авторы | P. V. Ekkert, E. V. Shekhovtsov, K. P. Bushin, A. V. Chiglintsev |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Ekkert P. V., Head of Continuous Casting Bureau,
Название | Manufacture of rolled products with improved mechanical properties. Expanding of grade and dimension range for vanadium-containing steels |
Авторы | L. A. Smirnov, M. S. Fomichev, B. Z. Belenkiy, K. N. Shvedov |
Информация об авторах | Ural Institute of Metals (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Smirnov L. A., Dr. Eng., Prof, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, First Deputy General Director
Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia) Fomichev M. S., Head of Technical Administration, |
Название | New dimension range means new achievements. Application of H-beams manufactured at Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works in building the sport facilities |
Авторы | V. V. Borodin, D. E. Kavun, K. N. Shvedov, K. E. Sokolov |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Borodin V. V., Chief Rollerman, |
Название | Expanding of opportunities of chemical composition determination for materials in metallurgical production |
Авторы | L. V. Blinova, A. D. Vasilyeva, I. M. Vernigor |
Информация об авторах | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works —“EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Blinova L. V., Head of Analytical Control Laboratory, Central Laboratorial Complex, |
Название | Ecology and environment protection at “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC |
Автор | M. I. Tkachenko |
Информация об авторе | Nizhniy Tagil Iron and Steel Works — “EVRAZ NTMK” JSC (Nizhniy Tagil, Russia): Tkachenko M. I., Acting Head of Environment Protection Dept., |
Iron and steelmaking | |
Название | HIsarna: low energy, low carbon ironmaking |
Автор | H. Fischer |
Информация об авторе | Tata Steel Europe (London, UK): Fischer H., Technical Director, e-mail: |
Название | Dry slag granulation with energy recovery — from inception to pilot plant |
Авторы | H. Kappes, D. Michels |
Информация об авторах | Paul Wurth SA (Luxembourg, Luxembourg): Kappes H., Dr. Eng., Head of BA Energy and By-Products |
Название | Explosion safety for steel decarbonizing vacuum units |
Авторы | W. Burgmann, U. Zöllig |
Информация об авторах | Vakuum-Metallurgie (Strasbourg, France): Burgmann W., Dr., Advisor,
Название | Monitoring of temperature homogenization in ladle furnace by continuous measurement |
Авторы | T. Kordel, H. Köchner, H. Fischer |
Информация об авторах | VDEh Institute of Industrial Researches (Düsseldorf, Germany): Kordel T., Dr., Head of Project
Minkon GmbH (Erkrath, Germany): |
Название | Analysis of melting technology in EAF steelmaking from pellets and HBI with high phosphorous content |
Авторы | A. I. Hassan, G. I. Kotelnikov, A. E. Semin, G. Megahed |
Информация об авторах | National University of Science and Technology «MISiS» (Moscow, Russia): Hassan A. I., Post-Graduate, the Chair «Metallurgy of Steel and Ferroalloys»,
EZZ Flat Steel (Cairo, Egypt): |
Training and education of specialists | |
Название | Y Generation: changes in labour area |
Автор | J. Asmussen |
Название | Demographically stable enterprise as a prerequisite for future success |
Автор | S. Stowasser |
Название | Increase of the average age of a working staff |
Название | Knowledge transition inside a system |
Meeting the 70th Anniversary of the Victory | |
Название | The armoured tank museum of «Uralvagonzavod» Scientific and Production Corporation |
Авторы | A. V. Pislegina, Yu. V. Kolmakova |
Информация об авторах | «Uralvagonzavod» Scientific and Production Corporation: Pislegina A. V. |
Название | About one military award for Oder crossing in the February 1945 |
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Название | Steel production worldwide |