Chernye Metally

The No. 4 issue of "Chernye metally" journal is opened by the large section "News of Metallurgical Companies".
The next section "Development of Metallurgy in Russia and CIS" includes 3 publications.
E.V. Shilnikov (Electrostal Steel Works) has presented examination of the melting technolofy for alloy steel via remelting of wastes with blowing of the 20 t bath with oxygen. The pilot melts with taking metal samples and measuring the bath temperature in the beginning, middle and end of oxidizing melting period have been conducted in order to determine kinetic regularities and constants.
The paper by N.A. Kozyrev and A.A. Umanskiy (Siberian State Industrial University) and D.V. Boykov (EVRAZ United West-Siberian Metallurgical Works) is devoted to the new technology of ladle treatment of rail steel with increased duration of inert gas (argon) blowing in order to decrease oxygen concentration and improve the steel properties. The technology has been tested on 190 regular melts of E76Ф steel and 15 pilot melts with durable blowing.
D.Ty. Zvonarev et al. described development of the mathematical model for forming of strip billet for quality improvement of large diameter welded tubes. The results of investigation allow to determine the depth of punch lowering, and on the base of this value to define the required geometrical parameters of an actual radius and height of flange bending.
The translated section includes the article written by Austrian metallurgists about development of the technology and equipment for innovative dry gas cleaning in iron and steel production by Siemens VAI Metals Technologies. Another material is devoted to 25th anniversary of commercial operation of the CSP process for combined casting and rolling.
D. Karl from Fraunhofer Institute has presented the developed control system in wire production that allows to realize monitoring and fixing of surface defects at 10 m/s speed. The paper by A. Klostermeier from Eltro company is also devoted to quality control. He has examined possibilities of burning analysis for checking the properties of iron and steel products and described standard approaches for work with such analyzed.
The issue also contains analysis of the new European power engineering policy (by H.J. Kerkhoff) as well as large block of economical information.
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Technical journal remains the important information source for decision making |
News of metallurgical companies | |
Название | Modernization of the largest European blast furnace in Duisburg |
Название | Large converter shell provides technological reliability and power efficiency |
Название | Robotized sampling system |
Автор | L. Schwarzbach |
Название | The new ladle treatment facilities will strengthen Witten metallurgy |
Название | Improvement of slab quality due to up-to-date cooling technologies |
Название | Modernized rolling mills will help to develop open forging facilities |
Название | Cooling bed at Siegen rolling mill is modernized |
Название | The concept of equipment with high level of power efficiency |
Автор | B. Müller |
Название | New developments for straightening lines and control systems |
Название | Reliable control of slab width varying using Delta Speed Adjusting technique |
Авторы | R. Wilmes, P. Müller |
Название | No. 2 blast furnace in Schwelgern is put into practice |
Название | A farewell to long rolled products and concentration of efforts at flat products |
Название | Quick and precise steel analysis |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | Kinetic regularities of oxidation of Fe–Cr–Ni–C–Si–Mn melts in production of 08Kh18N10T (08Х18Н10Т) steel |
Автор | E. V. Shilnikov |
Информация об авторе | «Metallurgical Plant «Electrostal» (Elektrosral, Russia) Shilnikov E. V., General Director, e-mail: |
Название | Development of ladle treatment technology for rail electric steel providing rising of operational stability of rails |
Авторы | N. A. Kozyrev, A. A. Umanskiy, D. V. Boykov |
Информация об авторах | Siberian State Industrial University (Novokuznetsk, Russia): Kozyrev N. A., Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Chair of Material Science, Casting and Welding. e-mail:
EVRAZ ZSMK JSC (Novokuznetsk, Russia): Boykov D. V., Cand. Eng., Head of Steelmaking Dept. e-mail: |
Название | Development of mathematical model for strip billet forming aimed on quality improvement of large-diameter welded tubes |
Авторы | D. Yu. Zvonarev, V. Ya. Osadchiy, A. I. Romantsov, A. P. Kolikov |
Информация об авторах | Russian Scientific-Research Institute of Tube Industry (Chelyabinsk, Russia): Zvonarev D. Yu., Cand. Eng., Head of Laboratory, e-mail:
Moscow State University of Instrument Engineering and Automation (Moscow, Russia):
Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant (Chelyabinsk, Russia):
National University of Science and Technology “MISiS” (Moscow, Russia): Kolikov A. P., Dr. Eng., Prof., Chair of Technology and Equipment of Tubemaking |
Iron and steelmaking | |
Название | Innovative dry gas cleaning in iron and steel production |
Авторы | R. Neuhold, A. Fleischanderl, T. Plattner, I. Kofler |
Информация об авторах | Siemens VAI Metals Technologies GmbH ( Linz, Austria): Neuhold R., Head of Technology, ECO Gas Cleaning Solutions. e-mail: |
Rolling | |
Название | Direct combination of casting and rolling |
Название | Complete control of wire production |
Автор | D. Carl |
Информация об авторе | Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik IPM (Freiburg, Germany) Carl D., Dr., Head of In-line Measuring Technics Group. e-mail: |
Quality control of products | |
Название | Efficient quality control of iron and steel products via burning analysis |
Автор | A. Klostermeier |
Информация об авторе | Eltra GmbH (Haan, Germany): Klostermeier A., Dr., Product Manager, e-mail: |
Power engineering and ecology | |
Название | New energetic policy should not weaken production |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Информация об авторе | "Steel" Economical Union, VDEh Steel Institute (Düsseldorf, Germany): Kerkhoff H. J., Präsident Wirtschaftsvereinigung Stahl und Vorsitzender Stahlinstitut VDEh. e-mail: |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | ArcelorMittal: European stakes |
Автор | C. Chaton |
Информация об авторе | Metz, France: Chaton C., Technical journalist |
Название | ArcelorMittal: Meeting the challenge |
Автор | F. Schulz |
Информация об авторе | ArcelorMittal Germany Holding (Bremen, Germany): Schulz F., Chairman of the Board, e-mail: |
Название | Improving market positions — with steel |
Автор | H. Fischer |
Информация об авторе | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe (Duisburg, Germany) Fischer H., Member of the Board, Sales and Innovations, phone: +49-203-52-0 |
Название | Fair competition for top performers |
Автор | K. Blessing |
Информация об авторе | Dillinger Hűttenwerke and Saarstahl GmbH (Dillingen, Germany) Blessing K., CEO, e-mail: |
Название | Salzgitter Flachstahl is positioning itself for the future |
Автор | U. Grethe |
Информация об авторе | Salzgitter Flachstahl GmbH (Salzgitter, Germany): Grethe U., Mag. Eng. e-mail: |
Название | Austrian-Japan union in metallurgical machine-building |
Название | Constructive dialog about steel |
Автор | H. J. Kerkhoff |
Информация об авторе | "Steel" Economical Union, VDEh Steel Institute (Düsseldorf, Germany) Kerkhoff H. G., President and CEO, e-mail: |
Название | International association of steel producers: new board members and new association members |
Название | Steel production worldwide |