Chernye Metally

The second issue of "Chernye metally" journal, 2015 is opened by conventional section "Metallurgical news abroad". The following section "Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS countries" is presented by 4 articles.
The paper written by O. A. Timokhin "New equipment for casting of large billets" is devoted to full or partial volumetric crystallization of steel portions that is being created thanks to heat transferring from liquid steel to mould walls in lateral and axial directions to cooling drum. Basic technical solutions, including design of main units for ingots with 850 mm diameter of cross section and industrial casting machine with 60 tons steel pouring ladle are worked out in accordance with the new technology; calculations of rate, output and heat transferring parameters are presented as well.
E. A. Goli-Oglu et al. has examined in his publication metallurgical quality of heavy plate form molybdenum and nickel-molybdenum boiler steel after normalization and consequent rolling at 4200 rolling mill in Fredrikswerk works of NLMK Dansteel (Denmark). It is concluded that the technology with differential Nb alloying depending on thickness level and impact requirements at negative temperature in longitudinal and transversal directions is the most expedient.
Problems and achievements in manufacture of pumping and compression pipes with external upset ends at Pervouralsk New Tube Works are elucidated in the paper written by M. V. Erpalov, A. A. Bogatov, S. V. Systerov and Yu. B. Kulyomin. Usage of SMS Meer press and the new calibration technology, together with choising of efficient lubrication and quality improvement of its application on tool allowed to manufacture the tubes with external diameter 60.3–88.9 mm and wall thickness 5.0-6.5 mm, meeting the requirements of national (GOST 633–80 and GOST R 53366–2009) and American (API 5CT) standards.
The specialists of the Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences proposed to use high-carbon hypereutectoid steel for the production of hot rolling forged rolls. It has been found that the possesses steel presented ductility sufficient for hot deformation (forging) with small single compressions. According to its properties steel C1,4Cr2NiMoWNb can be recommended for manufacturing solid-forged rolls and bandages for composite rolls of hot rolling process from ingots weighing up to 10 tons.
The section "Coke-making production" includes the papers by U. Poth and R. Kim, as well as by J. Kuhn-Gajdzik et al. (ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG) - about the new coke oven project at Dragon Steel in Taiwan and about the EnviBAT pressure regulation system at coke plant.
The papers in the section "Iron and steel making" are devoted to the following problems: predicting model of a basic oxygen converter with data management (SMS Siemag, Technical University Dortmund), continuous improvement of the EAF process (Badische Stahl Engineering, Badische Stahlwerke), monitoring ladle degassing process after electric arc furnace tapping (VDEh Instutute of Industrial Investigations, Saarschmiede GmbH Freiformschmiede) and refractory ceramics for ingot production from high-quality steels (Steuler-KCH).
You may find below more details about the issue or book printed or electronic version of the journal.
Название | Iron and steel news of the world |
Development of metallurgy in Russia and CIS | |
Название | New equipment for casting of large ingots |
Автор | O. A. Timokhin |
Информация об авторе | «Mettech» JSC (Moscow, Russia): Timohin O. A., dr. Eng., Techn. Director, e-mail: |
Название | Investigation of metallurgical quality of heavy plates of C–Mn and C–Mn–Nb steels for boilers and high pressure vessels after normalizing and normalizing rolling at NLMK DanSteel |
Авторы | E. A. Goli-Oglu, Yu. A. Bokachev, L. V. Polunina, E. S. Klimenko |
Информация об авторах | NLMK DanSteel A/S (Frederiksvaerk, Denmark): Goli-Oglu E. A., Cand. Eng., Process Developer, e-mail: Bokachev Yu. A., Managing Director E-mail (common):
NLMK Group (Lipetsk, Russia): Polunina L. V., Head of Metall Science and Metal Physics Laboratory, e-mail: Klimenko E. S., Engineer of Metall Science and Metal Physics Laboratory |
Название | Problems and achievements in manufacture of pumping and compression pipes with exter-nal upset ends at Pervouralsk New Tube Works |
Авторы | M. V. Erpalov, A. A. Bogatov, S. V. Systerov, Yu. B. Kulemin. |
Информация об авторах | Ural State Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Erpalov M. V., Junior Scientific Fellow Bogatov A. A., Dr. Eng., Prof., Head of the Chair of Metal Forming E-mail (common):
Pervouralsk New Tube Works (Pervouralsk, Russia): Systerov S. V., Head of the shop No. 4 for oil range tubes Konfratyeva G. N., Leading Research Engineer |
Название | Usage of hyper-eutectoid steel grades for forging of hot rolling rolls |
Авторы | A. I. Potapov, E. N. Shestakova, G. A. Orlov, S. V. Belikov |
Информация об авторах | Institute of Engineering Science of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Potapov A. V., Cand. Eng., Senior Research Fellow, e-mail:
Ural State Federal University (Ekaterinburg, Russia): Shestakova E. N., Post-graduate, e-mail: Orlov G. A., Dr. Eng., Prof., e-mail: Belikov S. V., Cand. Eng., Ass. Prof., e-mail: |
Coke production | |
Название | Technical information about the new coke oven project at Dragon Steel in Taiwan |
Авторы | U. Poth, R. Kim. |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solution AG — Business Unit Process Technologies (Dortmund, Germany): Poth U., Mag. Eng., Head of Process and Proposal Group, e-mail: Kim R., Dr. Eng., Senior Process Engineer |
Название | Possibilities for the configuration of the EnviBAT pressure regulation system at coke plant |
Авторы | J. Kuhn-Gajdzik, F. Krebber, K. Ьberschдr, F. Huhn |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Industrial Solutions AG (Dortmund, Germany): Kühn-Gajdzik J., Dr. Eng., Senior Process Eng. Krebber F., Mag. Eng., Senior Process Eng. Überschär K., Senior Design Eng. Huhn F., Dr. Nat. Sciences, Head of Process Group, CP-CO, e-mail: |
Iron and steelmaking | |
Название | Innovative predicting model of a basic oxygen converter with data management |
Авторы | H.-Yu. Odenthal, N. Uebber, J. Schlьter, M. Lцpke, K. Morik, H. Blom. |
Информация об авторах | SMS Siemag AG (Düsseldorf, Germany): Odenthal H.-J., Mag. Eng., e-mail: Uebber N., Mag. Phys. Schlüter J., Mag. Eng. Löpke M., Mag. Math.
Technische Universität Dortmund (Dortmund, Germany): Morik K., Prof., Dr., Chair of Artificial Intellect Blom H., Mag. Inform., Chair of Artificial Intellect |
Название | Continuous improvement of the EAF process — operational trials for optimization at Badische Stahlwerke |
Авторы | A. Opfermann, A. Grosse, S. Wohlfahrt |
Информация об авторах | Badische Technology and Services GmbH (Kehl, Germany): Opfermann A., Dr. Eng., CEO
Badische Stahl-Engineering GmbH (Kehl, Germany): Grosse A., Dr., Head of Division, e-mail:
Badische Stahlwerke GmbH (Kehl, Germany): Wohlfahrt S., EAF-Production Engineer |
Название | Monitor-ing ladle degassing process after electric arc furnace tapping by online image analysis |
Авторы | B. Palm, S. Hayn, H. Kцchner, G. Weides, M. Haas, G. Thomassen |
Информация об авторах | VDEh-Betriebsforschungsinstitut GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany): Palm B., Project Engineer, e-mail: birgit.palm@bfi .de Hayn S., Dr. Eng., Project Engineer Köchner H., Dr. Eng., Head of Division
Saarschmiede GmbH Freiformschmiede (Völklingen, Germany): Weides G., Mag. Eng., Head of Steelmaking Dept. Haas M., Head of Electric Steelmaking Dept. Thomassen G., Engineer, Secondary Metallurgy |
Название | Refractory ceramics for ingot production from high-quality steels |
Авторы | W. Schönwelski, K. Ruwier, S. Foellbach, J. Sperber |
Информация об авторах | Steuler-KCH GmbH (Höhr-Grenzhausen, Germany): Schönwelski W., Mag. Min. Ruwier K., Mag. Eng Foellbach S., Mag. Eng Sperber J., Mag. Eng., e-mail: |
Continuous casting | |
Название | Slab width optimization by dynamic strand spread compensation |
Авторы | S. Petry, I. Knopp, H.-G. Bra, R. Krieg, D. Sobiech |
Информация об авторах | ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg, Germany): Petry S., Dr. Eng., Team Leader, Process Development, e-mail: Knopp I., Team Coordinator Braß H.-G.,Team Leader, Continuous Casting Beeckerwert Krieg R., Team Leader, Plant Organization Sobiech D., Techn. Coordinator, Quality Inspection |
Cronicle | |
Название | 10th Congress of Rollermen |
Название | Steel production worldwide |
Economics and Finances | |
Название | Annual consumption of steel in the world in 2015 will increase to 1,594 million tons |