Filtration of technological pulps

I. N. Beloglazov, V. O. Golubev, O. N. Tikhonov, Yu. Kuukka, Ed. Yas-kelainen
The methods for calculation of pulp separation process via filtration are presented in the book. The main techniques of intensification of filtration processes and their practical implementation are examined. Brief structural and operational parameters of well-known types of fil-trating equipment and materials are presented. Especial attention is paid to the description of up-to-date equipment corresponding to conventional vertical press-filters with horizontal chambers of FPAKM type produced by “Larox Oy” (Finland). The global experience of us-age of Larox press-filters in different industrial branches is described.
The book is intended for the scientists and engineers, who are busy in the field of mathematical description and simulation of suspension separation processes, and who is developing, putting into practice and operating filtrating equipment. As well, this book can be useful for the teachers, post-graduate students and students of the chemi-cal-technological institutes.
ISBN: None
Pages: 0
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2003
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