Resource-saving and environmental protection during the concentration and processing of mineral raw materials (Plaksin Readings - 2016)

T. V. Chekushina (compiler), V. A. Chanturiya (scientific editor)
Materials of international conference "Resource-saving and environmental protection during the concentration and processing of mineral raw materials" (Plaksin Readings - 2016), Saint Petersburg, September 26-30, 2016.
Scientific editor: Academician V. A. Chanturiya. Compiler: Assistant Professor T. V. Chekushina.
This collection was not edited by our Publishing House.
It is available both in printed and electronic versions.
Language of edition: Russian.
ISBN: 978-5-98191-081-4
Pages: 659
Binder: hardcover
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2016
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