For my Norths

This collection contains the best prose, poetic and autobiographic works of geologists, journalists and people, who are not indifferent to the literaly creation, who live and work in Komi Republic. The basis of this book contains the works, which had been published during 12 years in literary miscellanies and almanacs, by the initiative of geologists of Republic. Only the spirit of romance, hard work and own experience of long routes to unknown and distant lands, intensified by the gladness of long-awaited victories and inventions, as well as by inevitable bitterness of failures and defeats – all of these factors make this book interesting for the wide readership: both for people, who are far from the everyday life of subsoil surveyors, and for people, who connected their lives with the most interesting profession of geologist.
Language of edition: Russian.
ISBN: 978-5-98191-038-8
Pages: 344
Binder: hardcover
Publisher: Ore and Metals PH
Language: English
Publishing year: 2008
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