Romelt process

V. A. Romenets
This monograph is devoted to the single-stage smelting reduction ironmaking process without coke usage and preliminary preparation of iron-containing materials (Romelt process). This process has been tested at the large pilot-industrial plant of Novolipetsky Steel Works (NLMK). A structural feature of Romelt plant, auxiliary systems and smelting technology is described. Calculations of technological parameters, material and thermal balances are given in monograph. The physical properties and morphology of slag bath as reacting area are presented. The processes of reduction of iron oxides and other components using steam coal are considered. Heat- and mass-exchange processes in the furnace are analyzed. Possibility of steel production without steelmaking furnaces using and with ladle decarburization using is shown for continuous Romelt iron tapping. There are methods of optimization of melting technological parameters, which based on calculation of economical parameters and economical estimation of Romelt process.
The using of metallurgical wastes as iron-containing raw materials, in particular sludge (dusts) of blast and steel furnaces and scale are proposed and tested to solve ecological problems.
Processing of red mud which are generated in aluminium industry, oxidized ferriferous quartzites, domestic and industrial wastes is considered as prospective direction of the development of this process. Using of Romelt process in power production is covered. The place of Romelt process in the iron and steel industry, at the integrated works and mini-mills, is discussed in the conclusion.
The monograph can be of interest of investors and shareholders, specialists of iron and steel industry, machine-building, power engineering, and municipal ecological departments and also be a manual for teachers and students of technological (technical) universities.
ISBN: None
Страницы: 0
Издатель: Ore and Metals PH
Язык: Русский
Год издания: 2005
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