Journals →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2012 →  #10 →  Back

ArticleName Innovation technologies of the survey operations
ArticleAuthor Vinogradov A. I., Yastremskiy V. N., Ivanov A. S., Korzhankov R. B., Gerasimov A. V.

Kovdor Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise, Kovdor, Russia:

Vinogradov A. I., Chief Surveyor, e-mail:

Yastremskiy V. N., Surveyor of the «Zheleznyy» Mine

Ivanov A. S., Divisional Surveyor

Korzhankov R. B., Surveyor of the Monitoring Service of the Benches` Stability


«VIOGEM» Institute, Belgorod, Russia:

Gerasimov A. V., Head of a Laboratory, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The research paper shares the main tasks of the survey and geodesic supplement of ore mining manufacturing on the Kovdor Ore Dressing and Processing Enterprise. There is also considered the survey structure, its modern technique and innovation technologies of the work performance on the basis of the Geological Information System (GIS) «GEOMIX». The enterprise started the development of the survey automation system, in the middle of 1990-s, on the basis of the computer technologies, with the author supplement of the «VIOGEM» institute. The first version of the program, named «Kovdor-Geomark», had been later redesigned to the GIS «GEOMIX».

The GIS «GEOMIX» is set aside for the formation of mining and geological models of mineral deposits and for solving the following main tasks on the basis of these models: calculation of reserves (geological and exploitation reserves) of mineral raw materials; calculation of overburden capacities; automation of the geological-survey supplement; planning of mining operations, etc. Nowadays, this system can include to 8 function modules. In addition, taking into account the production specificity, the enterprise uses the following modules: geological module DrillProj; survey module Mark; drilling and blasting module DrillBlast; geological and structure module GeoStructure; module for the definition of the granulometric composition of the exploded rock mass — StoneFrame.

keywords Survey supplement, electronic tacheometers, GIS «GEOMIX», automated working places, 3D-models, automated design of drilling and blasting operations, laser scanning

1. Seryy S. S., Gerasimov A. V. et al. Gornyi Zhurnal — Mining Journal, 2007, No. 9, pp. 81–85.

Language of full-text russian
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