Journals →  Non-ferrous Metals →  2009 →  #1 →  Back

ArticleName Pilot mini-plant for preparability study of various raw materials
ArticleAuthor Khramtsova I. N., Petrukhin V. A., Datsiev M. S., Kirienko Yu. E.

Khramtsova I. N., head, Petrukhin V. A., chief specialist, Datsiev M. S., advanced manufacturing engineer, Kirienko Yu. E., manufacturing engineer, Ore concentrating laboratory of the «Institute «Norilskproject» Norilsk affiliate, OOO «Institute Gipronickel»


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2. Rubinshtein Yu. B., Volkov L. A. The mathematical methods in mineral processing. – M. : Nedra, 1987. – 296 p.

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