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ArticleName Titanium slag preparation-for-processing study
ArticleAuthor Zelenova I. M., Morozov A. A.

It is shown, that titanium slag, produced in processing of titanium magnetite ores, is a promising source of manmade raw material for titanium production. In order to recover artificial minerals — anosovite and rutile — from slag as titanium concentrates, physical-chemical methods are proposed to be used following preliminary preparation of slag. As a result of studying slag crystallization mechanism in titanium magnetite concentrates reduction electrosmelting and slag phases behavior in grinding, it is shown, that process of slag preparation for titanate phases separation includes two stages: titanate phases coars ening and weakening of their intergrowth interface with amorphous phase that contains impurities. Optimal conditions for titanate phases coarsening up to processing size and liberation degree increase to 70–90 % depending on phase intergrowth interface weakening method, were determined. Several weakening methods were studied. Maximum liberation degree of 80–90 % is achieved through crystalline and amorphous phase intergrowth interface weakening by means of slag thermal treatment with crystallization catalyst Р2О5 and production of slag with polycrystalline structure.

keywords Slag, anosovite, supercooling, titanates, titanium-magnetite, coarsening, crystalline, amorphous, phase liberation, solid solution, intergrowth interface, grain size

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Language of full-text russian
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