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ArticleName Gravity-centrifugal apparatuses application for fine particles separation
ArticleAuthor Kuskov V. B., Kuskova Ya. V., Ananenko K. Ye.

St. Petersburg State Mining University (Russia):

Kuskov V. B., Associate Professor,

Kuskova Ya. V., Postgraduate,


Siberian Federal University:

Ananenko K. Ye., Lecturer,


Ones of the most advanced gravity apparatuses, providing for high-efficiency in fine particles separation, are table concentrators. Table concentrators are applied for tin, tungsten, rare and noble metals ores, as well as other minerals concentration. A sufficiently large number of table concentrators designs are known, in particular, circular. At present, circular tables are practically not used. But this type of table concentrators may turn out to be more efficient, than tilting table concentrators, currently used. This is explained by the fact, that circular tables develop additional forces, affecting separated particles — first of all, this is centrifugal force. Gravity-centrifugal apparatuses have been developed, that may be regarded as new designs of circular revolving table concentrators. Tilting table concentrators and basic experimental model of circular revolving table concentrator were subjected to comparative testing on man-made mixes and gold-bearing ores. Application of circular rotating table concentrators permits to increase separation efficiency and recovery of fine dense minerals. Modified designs of gravity-centrifugal apparatuses have been developed.

keywords Gravity-centrifugal apparatuses, table concentrators, circular revolving table concentrators, fine dense minerals' recovery, centrifugal force, man-made mixes, gold-bearing ores, recovery increase

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2. Kizevalter B. V. Teoreticheskiye osnovy gravitatsionnykh protsessov obogashcheniya (Theoretical basis of gravitational beneficiation processes), Moscow, Nedra, 1979, 296 p.

3. Shokhin V. N., Lopatin A. G. Gravitatsionnye metody obogashcheniya. Ucheb. dlya vuzov (Gravitational methods of mineral processing. Textbook for higher schools), Moscow, Nedra, 1993, 350 p.

4. Pat. 2372994 Russian Federation.

5. Pat. 2438788 Russian Federation.

6. Pat. 2438789 Russian Federation.

Language of full-text russian
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