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ArticleName Impedance spectroscopy of lanthanum – gallium tantalate crystals in connection with obtaining conditions
ArticleAuthor I. M. Anfimov, O. A. Buzanov, A. P. Kozlova, N. S. Kozlova
ArticleAuthorData I. M. Anfimov, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS»; O. A. Buzanov, OAO Fomos Materials; A. P. Kozlova, N. S. Kozlova, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS».

The influence of single crystal growth conditions on the electrophysical properties of lanthanum – gallium tantalate La3Ta0.5Ga5.5O14 (langatate) crystals has been studied. The experiment required using polar cut samples made from crystals grown in atmospheres of argon (Ar) or argon with oxygen (Ar+O2). The conducting coating materials were iridium (Ir), gold with а titanium sublayer (Au (Ti)) and silver with а chromium sublayer (Ag(Cr)). The temperature vs frequency dependences of the electrical admittance of langatate in an alternating electric field have been studied in the 5 Hz — 500 kHz frequency range and the 20—450 oC temperature range.

keywords Langatate, admittance, impedance spectroscopy, growth atmosphere, dielectric capacitivity

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