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Heavy non-ferrous metals
ArticleName Research of high-lead slags viscosity
ArticleAuthor Fedorov A. N., Khabiev M. P., Khabiev R. P., Lukavyi S. L.
ArticleAuthorData A. N. Fedorov, Professor, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals; M. P. Khabiev, Post-graduate Student, Engineer, Interdepartmental Laboratory of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals, e-mail:; R. P. Khabiev, Assistant, The Department of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous, Rare and Precious Metals; S. L. Lukavyy, Engineer, Interdepartmental Laboratory of Metallurgy of Non-ferrous Metals, National University of Science and Technology «MISIS».

The technique of high-temperature viscosity measure of chemical active slags on the base of titanium carbide has been developed. Experimental researches of viscosity of slags with high content of lead oxide (24,99–56,88%) in temperature diapason (1080—1220 oC) have been realized. Analytical dependence of viscosity on slag temperature and composition has been obtained using method of regression analysis. Obtained data is interesting for development and improvement technology of lead production from sulphide concentrates by Vanyukov method.

keywords Lead oxide, viscosity, slag, Vanyukov method, lead, slag composition, temperature, regression analysis.

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Language of full-text russian
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