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ArticleName Atomically pure InSe (0001) surface study using x–ray photoelectron spectroscopy
ArticleAuthor A. A. Volykhov, V. S. Neudachina, M. V. Kharlamova, D. M. Itkis, L. V. Yashina, A. I. Belogorokhov
ArticleAuthorData A. A. Volykhov, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, OAO Giredmet; V. S. Neudachina, OAO Giredmet, M. V. Kharlamova, D. M. Itkis, L. V. Yashina, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University; A. I. Belogorokhov, OAO Giredmet.
The (0001) surface of layered InSe semiconductor crystals has been studied experimentally using X−ray photoelectron spectroscopy and theoretically using the electron density function method with periodical boundary conditions. We found that the structure of the surface atomic layer and the state of the atoms in that layer have but little differences from the structure and state of the atoms in the bulk. The InSe (0001) surface is resistant to long−term air exposure thus making this material promising as a reference for electron spectroscopy composition studies.
keywords Indium selenide, layered semiconductor crystals, X−ray photoelectron spectroscopy, surface.

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