Журналы →  Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki →  2011 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Effect of sintering temperature on 40SCh2 grade garnet ferrite
Автор I. I. Kaneva, D. G. Krutogin, +I. S. Rybacjuk, E. E. Zyazina
Информация об авторе I. I. Kaneva, D. G. Krutogin, +I. S. Rybacjuk, E. E. Zyazina, National University of Science and Technology «MISiS»
The effect of sintering temperature on the microstructure and properties of nonstoichiometric (Fe2O3 deficient) 40SCh2 grade garnet ferrite. Taking into account that the hardening in nonstoichiometric garnet ferrites onsets at 200 °C higher than in stoichiometric ones, we varied the sintering temperature from 1320 to 1520 °C. The results suggest that at a 1420 °C sintering temperature the stoichiometric composition produces a completely formed microstructure whereas microstructure formation only onsets at that temperature in the Fe2O3 deficient composition. The use of nonstoichiometric garnet ferrite compositions provides for the stable achievement of the required set of properties during 1520 °C air sintering.
Ключевые слова Garnet ferrite, sintering temperature, microstructure, nonstoichiometry.
Библиографический список
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2. Afanas'ev, YU. N. Vliyanie otkloneniya ot stekhiometrii na fazovyy sostav i svoystva Y—Al-ferrogranata / YU. N. Afanas'ev, I. S. Rybachuk, I. I. Kaneva, D. G. Krutogin, A. A. Mekhanikova // Izv. vuzov. Materialy elektron. tekhniki. - 2010. - № 2. - S. 34—38.
3. Rybachuk, I. S. Diss. ... kand. tekhn. nauk / I. S. Rybachuk – M. : MISiS, 1974.
4. Kaneva, I. I. Tekhnologiya ferritovogo proizvodstva / I. I. Kaneva, I. S. Rybachuk - M. : MISiS, 1988.
Language of full-text русский
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