Журналы →  Materialy Elektronnoi Tekhniki →  2010 →  №3 →  Назад

Materials science and technology. Dielectrics
Название Study of Photorefractive Properties of LiNbO3 : Gd3+ Crystals by Photorefractive and Combinational Light Scattering
Автор N. V. Sidorov, A. V. Syuy, E. A. Antonycheva, A. Y. Gaponov, D. V. Evstratova, M. N. Palatnikov
Информация об авторе N. V. Sidorov, e-mail: sidorov@chemy.kolasc.net.ru, D. V. Evstratova, (Tananaev Institute of Chemistry and Technology of Rare Elements and Minerals); A. V. Syuy, e-mail: alsyuy271@gmail.com, E. A. Antonycheva, e-mail: aea2008@mail.ru, A. Y. Gaponov, M. N. Palatnikov, e-mail: palat_mn@chemy.kolasc.net.ru, (Far Eastern State Transport University)
Time dependence of photorefractive light scattering (PLS) and combinational light scattering (CS) spectra for series of congruent composition lithium niobate single crystals (LiNbO3) doped with «nonphotorefractive» cations Gd3+Gd = 0,002.0,44 wt. %.) have been. It is established that for the test doping impurity concentration range PLS is most expressed at Gd3+ concentration of 0,003 wt. %. Thus growth of Gd3+ concentration significantly changes the intensity of those lines in the combinational light scattering spectrum that are forbidden by the selection rules in the scattering geometries studied in the absence of photorefraction. And, with a growth in the Gd3+ concentration, the intensity of the «forbidden» lines first decreases (at the concentration Gd3+ = 0,002.0,003 wt. %), and then significantly increases. The reduction in the intensity of the «forbidden» lines testifies to downturn of photorefraction. The decrease of the photorefractive effect can be connected with an increase in the degree of ordering in the structural units of the cation lattice along a polar axis and the related reduction in the quantities of defects with localized electrons that control photorefraction intensity.
Ключевые слова Lithium niobate, photorefractive effect, photorefractive light scattering, spekl-structure, defects, ordering of structural units, combinational light scattering.
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Language of full-text русский
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