Журналы →  Eurasian mining →  2010 →  №2 →  Назад

Название Strategical planning as a base of sustainable operation of the company
Автор Svinin V. S., Zvonar A. Yu., Zaporozhets V. Yu.
Информация об авторе V. S. Svinin, First Deputy Director, C. Eng., Kirovsky Branch of “PhosAgro”; A. Yu. Zvonar, Technical Director – Main Engineer; V. Yu. Zaprozhets, First Deputy of Technical Director, “Apatit” JSC
The production structure of JSC “Apatit” is presented; stage approach of strategical development of the company for the various time periods is considered, taking into account possibilities of raw-material base, prospects of realization of final products, improvement of the technology of complex usage of raw materials.
Ключевые слова JSC “Apatit”, mineral and raw-material base, development of mining operations, equipment modernization, improvement of technology, technical and economic parameters.
Language of full-text английский
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