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ArticleName Pyroelectric response and short-circuit nonstationary photoelectric current in Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric semiconductor films
ArticleAuthor A.A. Bogomolov, A.V. Solnyshkin, D.A. Kiselev, I.P. Raevsky, D.N. Sandjiev, V.Yu. Shonov
ArticleAuthorData A.A. Bogomolov, e-mail:, A.V. Solnyshkin, D.A. Kiselev, (Tver State University); I.P. Raevsky, D.N. Sandjiev, V.Yu. Shonov, (Physics Research Institute, South Federal University).
Abstract In this work, experimental results for the effect of external electric field on the pyroelectric and the photovoltaic responses of Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric semiconductor films are presented. The responses were observed under excitation of the films by periodic rectangular laser beam pulses λ = 632,8 nm). The use of monochromatic laser irradiation allows one to separate the contributions of pyroelectric and photovoltaic effects to the summary response. It is shown that photovoltaic current direction changes after preliminary polarization of the films.
keywords Pyroelectric and photovoltaic responses, short circuit, films, segnetoelectric semiconductor of tin thiohypodiphosphate.
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Language of full-text russian
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