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ArticleName Industrial tests of various reducing agents in tube-type furnaces at Severonickel combine
ArticleAuthor Seregin P. S.
ArticleAuthorData Seregin P. S., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Pyrometallurgy, Gipronickel Institute, Phone: (812)335-31-00*(41-92)
References 1. Seregin P. S., Tolstykh A. N., Tsemekhman L. Sh. // Tsvetnye Metally . 2002. N 12. P. 19–22.
2. Tolstykh A. N., Seregin P. S., Miroevsky G. P. et al // Abstr. of papers presented at the Conf. «Metallurgy Technologies and Ecology». RESTEC «Metallurgy-2000». — M., 13–16 June 2000. P. 8.
3. Tolstykh A. N., Miroevsky G. P., Popov I. O. et al // Journ. of Applied Chem. 2000. Vol. 73. Issue 11. P. 1781–1785.
4. Seregin P. S., Tolstykh A. N., Tsemekhman L. Sh., Korotkova O. V. // Metallurgy of non-ferrous and rare metals: Proc. of the II Intern. Conf. — Krasnoyarsk : IKhKhT SB RAS, 2003. Vol. 2. P. 239.
5. Seregin P. S. Industrial tests of fuel oil feed as a reducing agent on tube-type furnaces at Severonickel Combine — Gipronickel Institute. — SPb, 2009. — 9 p. — Dep. at VINITI. 13.04.09. N 205–В2009.
6. Seregin P. S. Industrial tests of low-caking coal of Kuznetsk coal basin as a reducing agent on tube-type furnaces of Severonickel Combine — Gipronickel Institute — SPb., 2009. — 23 p. — Dep. at VINITI. 13.04.09. N 206–В2009.
7. Seregin P. S. Industrial tests of low-ash coal of Bachatsky coal strip mine («Kuzbassrazrezugol») on tube-type furnaces at Severonickel Combine — Gipronickel Institute. — SPb., 2009. — 20 p. — Dep. at VINITI. 13.04.09.
8. Seregin P. S. Industrial tests of anthracite («Gukovugol») as a reducing agent on tube-type furnaces of Severonickel Combine — Gipronickel Institute. — SPb., 2009. — 15 p. — Dep. at VINITI 13.04.09, N 208–В2009.
9. Seregin P. S. Industrial tests on developing modes of producing active nickel powder fraction on tube-type furnaces at Severonickel Combine — Gipronickel Institute. — SPb., 2009. — 13 p. — Dep. at VINITI 13.04.09, N 209–В2009.
10. Pat. 2359049 RF. Method of producing active nickel powder; publ. on 20.06.2009.
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