Journals →  Non-ferrous Мetals →  2010 →  #1 →  Back

ArticleName Improvement of concentration technology of Cu–Ni ores processed at concentration mills of MMC Norilsk Nickel
ArticleAuthor Maksimov V. I., Koroleva Е. V., Kozyrev S. M., Kravtsova O. A., Klemyatov A. A.
ArticleAuthorData Maksimov V. I., Head of Laboratory, (Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials); Phone: (812)335-30-76, Koroleva Е. V., Researcher of Gipronickel Institute, Kozyrev S. M., Director on R&D, Kravtsova O. A., Leading Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, Klemyatov A. A., Researcher, Laboratory of Geological and Technological Studies of Raw Materials, (Gipronikel Institute)
Language of full-text english
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