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ArticleName Digital twins and modeling of the transporting-technological processes for on-line dispatch control in open pit mining
DOI 10.17580/em.2020.02.13
ArticleAuthor Temkin I. O., Myaskov A. V., Deryabin S. A., Rzazade U. A.

National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow, Russia:

Temkin I. O., Head of Department of Automated Control Systems, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
Myaskov A. V., Director of the College of Mining, Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
Deryabin S. A., Head of Laboratory at the Department of Automated Control Systems
Rzazade U. A., Assistant at the Department of Automated Control Systems


This article discusses modern modeling technologies which open up new capabilities for creating a digital platform for open pit mining management. The specific details of the construction of an intelligent digital platform for the management of transport processes during mineral mining are discussed. A brief overview of the methods and tools for modeling technological processes in open pit mining is given. The stages to be overcome on the path of digital transformation of mines using dynamic 3D models are presented. It is proposed to use software environments of the gaming industry platforms and virtual reality systems as tools for the dynamic 3D modeling of objects. The classes of agents are introduced for the convenience of structuring the tasks to be solved. The basic functional and instrumental elements of the intelligent platform being developed at the present time are given, and also a simplified structure of the technological process control system in an open pit mine, including the prediction module, is presented. The principles of work are described, and the advantages of the specific tool for creating digital 3D models are also discussed. The results obtained in modeling a stage of a transport cycle in an open pit mine are reported.

The research was supported by the Russian Science Foundation, Grant No. 19-17-00184.

keywords Digital transformation of industry, smart mining, transportation management, digital platforms, autonomous robotic systems, open pit mining, digital modeling, digital twins

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Full content Digital twins and modeling of the transporting-technological processes for on-line dispatch control in open pit mining