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ArticleName Deep concentration of high-grade iron ore in the Belgorod Region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly
DOI 10.17580/em.2019.02.10
ArticleAuthor Gzogyan T. N., Gzogyan S. R., Grishkina E. V.

Belgorod National University, Belgorod, Russia:

Gzogyan T. N., Head of laboratory,
Gzogyan S. R., Senior Researcher
Grishkina E. V., Junior Researcher


The article presents the research findings on deep concentration of basic mineralogical varieties in the composition of naturally occurring high-grade ore with a view to producing high-quality iron ore feedstock for metallization deposition and integrated processing. The technology experiments used the basic tools of mineral dressing (screening, magnetic separation in weak and strong fields, gravity concentration, flotation). The technological studies demonstrate feasibility of obtaining high-quality iron ore products from natural high-grade iron ore using a simple technology. By the authors’ opinion, the most efficient method to extract valuable components from loose and semi-loose ore is screening, which is proved experimentally by production of high-quality iron material from loose and semi-loose micaceous iron oxide–martite for direct reduction. It is emphasized that wet separation approaches inevitably end with considerable loss of marketable products and bring difficulties connected with dewatering and drying. Special purpose production involves deep concentration of ore using various methods. This article presents the results of polygradient magnetic separation, gravity concentration and flotation. Polygradient magnetic separation offers a high-quality product that meets standards of such industries as powder metallurgy, manufacture of batteries, etc. Gravity separation and flotation are not recommended for application.

keywords High-grade iron ore, metallization deposition, deep concentration, wet magnetic separation, polygradient separation, gravity concentration, flotation

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Full content Deep concentration of high-grade iron ore in the Belgorod Region of the Kursk Magnetic Anomaly