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ArticleName Detection of crustal deformation anomalies with regard to spatial scale effect
DOI 10.17580/em.2019.02.04
ArticleAuthor Manevich A. I., Tatarinov V. N., Kolikov K. S.

Geophysical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia:

Manevich A. I., Researcher, Post-Graduate Student of the College of Mining, NUST MISIS
Tatarinov V. N., Head of Laboratory, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,


College of Mining, National University of Science and Technology—MISIS, Moscow, Russia:
Kolikov K. S., Head of Chair, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


The current standard criteria for horizontal strains at locations of nuclear power objects are set without regard to distances and observation times. Accordingly, the reference hazardous strain can either be overestimated or underestimated in a test scale of a region. This deteriorates reliability of the engineering safety criteria for satellite observation data on horizontal crustal movements. At the same time, the current legislation recommends taking into account spatial scaling when assessing deformation and velocities of recent crustal movements, though no specific practical guidance is provided. In this connection, this article presents the analysis results for observations over recent crustal movements on a few tens of geodynamic test grounds in the world. The analysis procedure uses the algorithm for discrimination of stain classes, dilation and strain rates with regard to spatial scale effect. The algorithm is based on pattern recognition and enables predicting classes of strain hazard depending on distance or area to which the displacement is normalized. The article presents the analysis procedure and the results of the case-study for a geodynamic test ground located in a tectonically active region of the world.

keywords Geodynamics, strains, recent crustal movements, GPS, GLONASS, scale effect, pattern recognition

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Full content Detection of crustal deformation anomalies with regard to spatial scale effect