Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2018 →  №8 →  Назад

Название Features of metal biting capacity for three-roll stands of continuous lengthwise elongating mills
Автор A. V. Vydrin, E. A. Shkuratov
Информация об авторе

All-Russian Scientific and Research Institute of Tube Industry — RosNITI (Chelyabinsk, Russia):

A. V. Vydrin, Dr. Eng., Prof., Deputy General Director on Scientific Work, e-mail: vydrinav@rosniti.ru
E. A. Shkuratov, Cand. Eng., Deputy Head of the Laboratory of Longitudinal Rolling, e-mail: shkuratov@rosniti.ru


The features of metal biting capacity for rolls in the finishing three-roll stands of continuous elongating mills are considered. Mathematical description of the angles during primary and secondary metal biting is realized taking into account the features of forming of tube wall and cross section in the finishing passes. It is shown that friction coefficient of the contact between tube internal surface and a mandrel should be decreased maximally to provide stable filling of interstand space. It is established that reduction procedure has substantial effect on the conditions of metal filling of the continuous elongating mill, and the more is the pass out-of-roundness, the larger reduction can be preset. Metal filling of the continuous elongating mill depends also on friction conditions between tube and rolls, and increase of the friction coefficient provides more easy filling of interstand spaces. The new mathematical models of metal biting are developed; they allow to optimize the rolling technology and the modern continuous elongating mills.

Ключевые слова Tube rolling, continuous elongating mill, metal biting capacity, rolls, friction coefficient, interstand space, reduction
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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