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ArticleName Authors’ approach to the Total Economic Value: Essentials, structure, evolution
DOI 10.17580/em.2018.01.03
ArticleAuthor Dushin A. V., Yurak V. V.

Ural State Mining University, Yekaterinburg, Russia:

Dushin A. V., Associate Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Acting Rector,
Yurak V. V., Candidate of Economic Sciences, Master of Management and Jurisprudence, Acting Rector Assistant


Total economic value concept operates as a consistent approach for economic evaluation of natural resources in the context of exacerbation of the ecological crisis and overexploitation of natural resources. However, the essence and structure are still the subject of scientific research. This article determines that along with the existence of subjective, ideal and real values, the subjective values are the most interesting from the point of view of economic evaluation and distribution within the framework of the total economic value concept. The presented genesis of the term of “value”, analysis of the total economic value concept development and the theory of ecosystem services contributed to the creation of an author’s approach to the distribution of values. We justify the inclusion in indirect value the cultural services as opposed to the direct value; option value takes into account the value in use by future individuals; we remobilize the quasi-option value in the structure of total economic value. The paper provides an improved total economic value model. This model takes into account the time aspect, the understanding of the term “value” and theoretical principles of ecosystem services and author’s principle of value evaluation – “based on the best possible alternative”. The practical implications of the research is to improve the economic mechanism of government regulation of natural resource management by clarifying and improving the consistent basis for the economic evaluation of the value of natural resources for making managerial decisions on their involvement in economic turnover.

keywords Total economic value, essence, structure, evolution, ecosystem services, natural resource

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Full content Authors’ approach to the Total Economic Value: Essentials, structure, evolution