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ArticleName Evaluation of the environmental impact of Dzhidinsky wolfram–molybdenum plant tailings
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2017.10.15
ArticleAuthor Fedotov P. K., Petukhov V. I., Zelinskaya E. V., Burdonov A. E.

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia:

P. K. Fedotov, Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
E. V. Zelinskaya, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
A. E. Burdonov, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Far East Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia:

V. I. Petukhov, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Within the scope of the studies is the aggravating impact of the Barun-Naryn tailings area of concentration factories of Dzhidinsky Wolfram–Molybdenum Plant (WMP). The research carried out at Dzhidinsky WMP tailings ponds found no pronounced zones of wind-blown waste sands in the directions that deviate more than by 10–15о from the conditional axis of the tailings area bottom; the surface of waste sands on the outlet windy slopes is mainly composed of fractions of heavy metallized minerals and rocks 1–8 mm in size and larger, which implies on the long-term wind erosion resistance of the material. Based on the data of eco-geochemical mapping of soil, a complex geochemical envelop of generous size and considerable intensity covers nearly all area under analysis. Mine water is characterized with the highest pollution level. The content of some elements (Cd, Pb, Zn, F, Cu, W, Mn etc.) from hazard classes I–III ten and hundreds times exceeds MAC. The bottom sediments in the Zun-Naryn Stream beneath the tailings ponds contain much Мо, Рb, Sn, Мn. The ICP analysis of 8 samples of slimy suspended matter precipitates in the Inkur Stream reveals excess of MAC in three samples: zinc—3–10 times, cadmium—9–16 times, copper–7–10 times, cobalt–5–14 times, wolfram–254–554 times. This article presents a package of measures aimed to stabilize the environmental situation in the area of Zakamensk town and at the tailings ponds of Dzhidinsky WMP.
The studies have been supported under the Project GZ 11.8090.2017/BCh.
The authors highly appreciate participation of Prof., Dr. Eng. K. V. Fedotov, Irkutsk National Research Technical University, in this studies.

keywords Dzhidinsky WMP, concentration factory tailings ponds, environmental impact, geochemical and hydrological characteristics, studies

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