Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2017 →  №10 →  Назад

Название Qualitative analysis of traumatism structure in coal mines
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2017.10.13
Автор Gryzunov V. V., Pekarchuk D. S.
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Saint-Petersburg Mining University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia:

V. V. Gryzunov, Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences, bajnnemech2@yandex.ru
D. S. Pekarchuk, Post-Graduate Student


Complication of coal mining conditions in Russia and the increased percentage of mines with the high hazard of methane and coal dust explosions and rockbursts from 28 to 51% has resulted in the threefold rise in the trauma fatality rate per explosion (from 4.41 events between 1996 and 2000 to 13.3 events between 2011 and 2015). This situation calls for the search and development of new efficient systems of mine safety based on the qualitative and quantitative analysis of the industrial trauma rate. Conventionally, the industrial safety efficiency analysis uses descriptive statistics techniques that allow for the preliminary processing and systematization of data and enable presenting the results in the form of tables or graphical charts. On the other hand, these methods have some disadvantages. For this reason, the descriptive statistics is used to generalize the sampling investigation data. Naturally, such approach is incapable to conform to the full extent with the principles of substantiation and fails to take maximum information from observations. Consequently, when studying the structure of industrial traumatism, it is advisable to distinguish between two groups of injuries: recoverable (permanent) manpower loss; irrecoverable manpower loss (a sum of fatality, severe and permanent injuries with disablement). Such grouping of injuries with regard to social significance of economical aftereffect has allowed introducing a qualitative estimation criterion of industrial traumatism — casualties criterion. The proposed criterion enhances the quality of evaluation of situations connected with the production safety, focuses on the efficiency of occupational safety at hazardous production objects and points at the prioritized issues in improvement of trauma prevention activities in the mining industry.

Ключевые слова Occupational safety, industrial safety, risk, ensemble, industrial injury, qualitative evaluation criterion, recoverable and irrecoverable losses, expenditure, result, effectiveness
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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