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ArticleName Some approaches to improve the resource efficiency of production of flat rolled steel
DOI 10.17580/cisisr.2016.02.07
ArticleAuthor M. I. Rumyantsev

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia)

M. I. Rumyantsev, Cand. Eng., Prof.,,


Possibilities of improvement of resource efficiency during the flat steel production through the use of statistical analysis of correspondence between the actual and the standardized values the characteristics of products or technological process for their production are considered. The examples of usage of this approach to define the rolling procedures that increase the yield of products with required quality are presented, as well as the examples of selecting products of the same application, but with lower resource intensity. Usage of the parameter of comparison between actual and allowable variability values (e.g. correspondence or evaluation parameter) can help to reveal technological reserves of improved quality of rolled products, as well as to prevent quality deterioration via on-line monitoring of technological procedures. Usage of correspondence parameters as differential qualimetric evaluations allows to improve objectivity and reliability of quality control as well as to approve or disprove availability of products with smaller resource intensity for replacement of products with larger resource intensity and of the same application.

keywords Flat steel product, resource efficiency, manufacturing process, product quality, the index of compliance, increasing of process efficiency, replacement of cold-rolled steel by hot-rolled steel, process monitoring

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