Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2016 →  №11 →  Назад

Metallurgical history
Название The first steelmaking shops in Gary and Magnitogorsk: establishment history and designing stages
Автор O. A. Ulchitskiy, E. K. Kazaneva, E. K. Bulatova, D. D. Khismatullina
Информация об авторе

Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University (Magnitogorsk, Russia):

Ulchitskiy O. A., Cand. Arch., Ass. Prof.
Kazaneva E. K., Cand. Arch., Ass. Prof.
Bulatova E. K., Cand. Arch., Senior Lecturer, e-mail: bulatova_ek@bk.ru
Khismatullina D. D., Senior Lecturer


The research is directed toward archival material collection, its description and composition of the historical stages of structure design and technological processes character of the first open-hearth shops. The article reveals actuality of the question regarding construction and technological and design solution choice for the first iron and steel plants of Magnitogorsk city at the period of metallurgy industry formation. The research allows to make a conclusion about chronological delay of the USSR plants development from production complexes development of the USA and western Europe countries. This delay is specified by the fact that in this case interest of the authorities in the first five-year plan as well as in the following periods was not concentrated first of all on the regional industrial complexes, and goals of mastering of the new industrial projects and technologies, realized in the leading countries in that examined period of time, were formed accordingly. In this period the intensive building and technology improvement is being conducted. As a result, the research discovers the main stages of design and construction of the first Magnitogorsk steel plants, analysis of choice of the engineering building project solution is being conducted depending on the change of technological, functional, transport and power requirements to the production. The results are based on the summarized research of the design materials and graphic archival sources analysis. Estimation of Magnitostroy industrial architecture allowed to discover correspondence between the built steel plants and United States Steel Corp. corporation objects in the late XIX — beginning XX centuries in the industrial city Gary in the USA. In conclusion historical and economical significance of such plants building, their influence on the USSR industrial potential in the first half of the 20-th century is being underlined.

Ключевые слова Magnitogorsk Iron & Steel Works, MMK, industrial potential, industrial architecture, first open-hearth plants, Magnitostroy, ferrous metallurgy, Magnitogorsk, Gary
Библиографический список

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