Journals →  Chernye Metally →  2016 →  #11 →  Back

Steel as Material
ArticleName Rolled quality steels in the stream of power engineering reforms
ArticleAuthor E. Lange

Verlag Stahleisen GmbH (Düsseldorf, Germany):

Lange E., Freelance journalist, e-mail:


The modern role of high-quality steel rolled products in implementation of the power engineering reforms has been discussed in Düsseldorf during „round table” in the framework of the annual conference Steel 2015. It os the strategic aim of the German iron and steel industry in the area of manufacturing specialized products for winding and water power engineering, as well as creation of kight constructions in automotive industry. At the same time, fabrication of rolled steel products can use itself power-efficient technologies having no negative effect on the climate.

keywords Rolled steel, power engineering, winding power stations, energy sources, chemical composition, light constructions
Language of full-text russian
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