Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2016 →  №3 →  Назад

Название Effect of water evaporation and condensation on thermal conditions in deep mines
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.03.15
Автор Kazakov B. P., Shalimov A. V., Zaitsev A. V.
Информация об авторе

Mining Institute, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences, Perm, Russia:

B. P. Kazakov, Chief Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, aero_kaz@mail.ru
A. V. Shalimov, Leading Researcher, Doctor of Engineering Sciences
A. V. Zaitsev, Divisional Manager, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


The article considers the role of moisture exchange processes in generation of thermal conditions in deep mines. The mathematical algorithm is presented to calculate evaporation, condensation and moisture transfer in mines with simultaneous change in heat content of air. The authors report the design analysis of influence exerted by phase transition of moisture on air flow temperature in air supply and return shafts in deep mine excavations and at intersections where mixing of air flows with high moisture content takes place. Numerical modeling of hydrostatic heating of air, with and without regard to air humidification, in the conditions of air supply shaft shows that ignorance of moisture exchange processes results in an increase in final air temperature error by a few degrees, which may lead to a wrong choice of parameters of mine technical and thermotechnical methods and equipment for temperature condition control. Evolution of heat under water condensation in return shafts increases air temperature by 4 degrees, which changes natural mine draft. Using the proposed algorithm, the authors analyze the process of mixture of air flows having different moisture contents at mine intersections. It is found that air is heated in a range of 1 degree as a consequence of water condensation during mixture of air flows. The algorithm of moisture transfer in underground excavations refines the heat and moisture exchange forecasting procedure and is applicable to engineering mine air-conditioning systems. The described modeling results on temperature behavior in air flows in a shaft of a Norilsk Nickel mine prove the necessity to account for the effects of water evaporation and condensation on air temperature.
The study was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, in the framework of the project “Analysis of Influence of Air Moisture Transformation on Comfort Conditions in Mines”, Grant No. 15-05-04552.

Ключевые слова Mine, excavation, temperature, moisture, evaporation, condensation, heat content, heat and moisture transfer
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Language of full-text русский
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