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ArticleName Engineering procedure of blasthole drilling in permafrost
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2016.03.09
ArticleAuthor +Belyaev A. E., Krasnoshtanov S. Yu., Shevchenko A. N., Uvarov I. A.

Irkutsk National Research Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia:

+A. E. Belyaev, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences,
S. Yu. Krasnoshtanov, Head of a Chair, Candidate of Engineering Sciences
A. N. Shevchenko, Associate Professor, Candidate of Engineering Sciences


ALROSA, Moscow, Russia:

I. A. Uvarov, Executive Officer, Nyurbinsk Mining and Processing Integrated Works


In focus of the article is the dedicated engineering procedure (technology) developed at the Irkutsk National Research Technical University for blasthole drilling in permafrost rocks featuring complex structural composition, to be used in open pit mining under nature and climate conditions of Russia’s North and Siberia. The analysis of physico-mechanical properties of rocks and the review of the vast experience gained in the related field of industry has shown that the main cause for violation of drilling modes and poor efficiency is thawing of boulder and gravelly–chisley ground at blasthole bottom under heat generated in the course of mechanical destruction of rocks and due to hot compressed air fed to the hole bottom for blowdown and removal of drilling returns to the surface; as a consequence, thawed drilling “mud” clogs hole clearance. To reach steady-state temperature conditions, to increase endurance of drills and enhance permafrost drilling efficiency, the following recommendations are made: cooling of compressed air at outlet of compresor in self-powered or radiator heat exchangers, use of cutting-type and hybrid cutting-and-rolling bits, employment of forced automatic lubrication devices for bearing assemblies of drill bits. The developed engineering procedure (technology) of blasthole drilling is approved and introduced at commercial level in open pit mines of ALROSA.

keywords Permafrost, hole drilling, heat effects, mud thawing, hole clearance clogging, compresed air cooling, cutting-type and cutting-and-rolling bits, optimal modes

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Language of full-text russian
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