Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2016 →  №2 →  Назад

Название New technique of state control, analysis of operating problems and practical recommendations for gear boxes in metallurgical shops
Автор E. Kimpl, M. Stroi
Информация об авторе

Eisenbeiss GmbH (Enns, Austria):

Kimpl E., Mag. Eng., Head of Development Dept.
Stroi M., Mag. Eng., Scientific Fellow, Dept. on Development of Sensors and Measuring Technics, E-mail: michael.stroi@eisenbeiss.at


Up-to-date state monitoring systems are used for determination of intervals of technical maintenance, inspection and oil change in gear boxes, in addition to alarm information about emergency situation and consequent equipment protection from damages. The developed GearControl system for industrial gear boxes is just such state monitoring system. It compares expected values (obtained analytically) with actual operation parameters and defines real state of a gear box together with its predicted service life. Metrological realization of monitoring tasks is discussed. The GearControl system is optimized in correspondence with the requirements of industrial gear boxes and provides efficient, quick and reliable operation via specific features and usage of ultimate values and starting settings for corresponding technical solution. The paper considers the control grounds of the state of industrial gear boxes, presents the results of the own scientific-research and pilot-engineering works of the company, analyzes the product’s concept, system architecture and data management of GearControl system, and observes the example of its practical application.

Ключевые слова Control system, gear boxes, lubrication, oil, vibration, temperature, toughness, drive, rolling mill
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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