Журналы →  Obogashchenie Rud →  2015 →  №6 →  Назад

Название Leaching of metals from rebellious middling of copper-zinc pyritic ores flotation
DOI 10.17580/or.2015.06.03
Автор Krylova L. N., Moshchanetskiy P. V., Shirinya N. V.
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National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Russia):

Krylova L. N., Ph. D. in Engineering Sciences, Leading Researcher, krulov@yandex.ru

Moshchanetskiy P. V., Postgraduate, Leading Engineer, pahar-tuk@mail.ru

Shirinya N. V., Student, shirinya@bk.ru


A rebellious sulfide copper-zinc middling, containing 1.5 % copper, 14.7 % zinc and 37.2 % iron, obtained in flotation of pyritic ore, typical for the Urals deposits, was subjected to a study by means of leaching in sulfuric acid solution with application of environmentally-friendly oxidizers — iron ions (III) and hydrogen peroxide — by the method of acute experiments and in a vibratory agitator. Relationships regarding metals recovery into solution and solid phase yield with respect to sulfuric acid concentration, zinc and iron (II) and (III) ions concentration, addition of hydrogen peroxide, slurry density, duration of leaching were established. It is shown that decrease of zinc concentration in leaching solution to less than 5 g/l and preliminary ultrasonic treatment of middling slurry result in increase of zinc recovery into solution by 3–4 %. As a result of the studies, the copper-zinc middling leaching regimes and parameters were developed: temperature — 65–70 °С, slurry density S : L = 1 : 10 – 1 : 4, duration — 10–13 hr with application of sulfuric acid solution with 10–12 g/l concentration in presence of iron ions (III) with concentration over 5–10 g/l and their regeneration by means of hydrogen peroxide addition. With middling leaching into solution, 91–98 % of zinc is recovered, and so is 16–45 % of copper, with solid phase yield being up to 29–32 %, with that, zinc mass fraction in leaching cake is decreased to 1–2 %, copper mass fraction is increased to 1.9–2.6 % — copper is concentrated in leaching cake by ~1.3–2.3 times. Chalcopyrite, liberated from aggregates with other minerals, may be recovered into a commercial product from leaching cake in copper flotation cycle, zinc sulfate solution with zinc concentration up to 32 g/l, obtained in leaching, may be used as a flotation reagent.

The studies were performed with the aid of the Institute of the Comprehensive Exploitation of Mineral Resources of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grant (Project No. 14-37-00050).

Ключевые слова Copper-zinc pyritic ores, flotation, middling, sulfide aggregates, leaching, sulfuric acid, oxidizers, iron ions, hydrogen peroxide, slurry density, vibratory agitation, ultrasonic processing, metals recovery, solid phase yield
Библиографический список

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