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ArticleName The analysis of modern directions for all-round utilization of base metals refractory ores
DOI 10.17580/or.2015.05.08
ArticleAuthor Bocharov V. А., Ignatkina V. А.

National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Russia):

Bocharov V. А., Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor
Ignatkina V. А., National University of Science and Technology MISiS (Russia), Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor,



The paper presents the analysis of the current status of the copper-bearing minerals’ resources base (copper, copper zinc pyrites, cupriferous sandstones, porphyry copper, copper-nickel, lead-zinc and copper-lead-zinc ores). Main special features of material composition are identified, permitting to categorize such ores as difficult rebellious minerals. Main ore-preparation, flotation and combination processing flow sheets, as well as the trends in development and application of selective reagents regimes using new sulphydric collectors, are described. It is noted, that in order to increase recovery of base and noble metals minerals, and to improve concentrates grade, it is necessary, in accordance with minerals processing properties, to apply: multistage intermediate concentration in grinding operations; fractional separation of minerals by means of selective collectors combinations; open cycle final concentration operations; separation of concentrates and products in separate circuits with subsequent treatment by individual technologies. Relationship between main properties of minerals and recommended processing flow sheets, regimes and metallurgical results of nonferrous heavy metals beneficiation is revealed. A conclusion is drawn, that a comprehensive solution with a view to increase all-round utilization of difficult rebellious ores is possible upon realization of combination technologies on the basis of an optimum compromise between beneficiation and pyro-hydrometallurgical processes.
The studies were performed with the aid of the Russian Science Foundation Grant (Project No. 14-17-00393). The work was accomplished with participation of I. A. Belousova, V. N. Dunaeva.

keywords Sulfide minerals, oxidized copper minerals, gold, silver, platinum group metals, pyrite, pyrrhotine, technology, material composition, special features, ore-preparation, flotation, selective reagents regimes, gravity concentration

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