Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2015 →  №9 →  Назад

Название New observational technique for undermined inaccessible ground surface movement
DOI 10.17580/gzh.2015.09.09
Автор Khoruzhaya N. V.
Информация об авторе

Name & Surname: Khoruzhaya N. V.
Company: Donbass State Technical University (Alchevsk, Ukraine)
Work Position: Assistant, Department of Surveying, Geodesy and Geology
Contacts: natasha.horujaya@gmail.com


The author presents the patented technique of observation over inaccessible ground surface movements due to undermining by coal-face work in Donbass. Unlike conventional measurement and differential and profile leveling, the developed technique is based on installation of stationary laser directional markers beyond the zone of coal-face work influence while graded screens-benchmarks are installed inside the undermined sites. Initial position (onset of observation) of the measuring equipment set is coordinated with advance of production face in the mine and is shown on the screen as an immobile spot of laser beam. In the course of long-term stationary observation, trajectory of complete vector of ground subsidence is plotted on the screen; based on this trajectory, the ground surface movements (subsidence, horizontal movements) are identified, and grade, horizontal deformation and curvature of the undermined site in time are calculated. The error of determination of movement parameters on the screen is minimized by using nomogram and introducing corrections in formulas of horizontal movements. The relative error of linear parameters is 1/35000. From appraisal of the research findings, the new technique will enable considerable reduction in labor content and improvement of operational conditions of surveying in inaccessible undermined sites. Furthermore, the complete trajectory of surface points will be obtained and, finally, movement parameters of a test ground surface site above advancing production faces will be determined.

Ключевые слова Ground surface movement, ground surface undermining, observations, profiles, stationary laser devices, grade screens-benchmarks, complete movement vector trajectory, parameter calculation
Библиографический список

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Language of full-text русский
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