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ArticleName Small-volume blast furnaces — the future of blast furnace practice?
ArticleAuthor A. V. Ershov, O. V. Golubev, P. I. Chernousov

National Research Technological Institute “Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys”

A. V. Ershov, O. V. Golubev, P. I. Chernousov


The development strategy of various kinds of metallurgical manufacture should be connected with the world economic tendencies. Most important metallurgical tendencies are:
1. Drastic reduction (for some regions even total disappearance) of iron ore deposits.
2. The energy resources consumption was always the key feature of its quality characteristics.
3. The global recycling will become the key element of the industrial manu facture.
These facts allow to assume, that the future of pig iron production belongs to smallvolume (up to 2000 m3) blastfurnaces.


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7. Amit Chatterjee, Ramesh Singh, Banshidhar Pandey Metallics for Steelmaking — production and use, ISBN 8177641301, 732 p.

Full content Small-volume blast furnaces — the future of blast furnace practice?