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ArticleName Рrotection of water resources at development of Grib diamondiferous deposit in Arkhangelsk Region
ArticleAuthor Studenov I. I., Novoselov A. P., Sukhanevich M. M.

Knipovich Polar Research Institute of Marine Fisheries and Oceanography

Studenov I. I., Head of a laboratory, Candidate of Biological Sciences, e-mail:

Novoselov A. P., Principal Researcher, Doctor of Biological Sciences, e-mail:



Sukhanevich M. M., Head of Ecology Department, e-mail:


The article focuses on preservation of water bodies and fishery water courses as a high priority concern of ecological activity of industry. The state of bio-resources is analyzed, and potential fishery loss under man-made impact is estimated. The authors specify the key trends of compensatory measures and regeneration of commercial fish species. Recommendations on aqueous eco-system monitoring are given.

keywords diamond deposit development, regional eco-system, industrial impact, water bodies and water courses, regeneration of bio-resources, aqueous eco-system monitoring

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