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ArticleName Grib deposit: geological structure and diamond content
ArticleAuthor Pendelyak R. N., Verichev E. M., Golovin N. N.

Arkhangelskgeoldobycha JSC:

Pendelyak R. N., Principal Geologist, e-mail:

Verichev E. M., Deputy Head of Geological Department, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences e-mail:

Golovin N. N., Head of a Department — Chief Geologist, Candidate of Geologo-Mineralogical Sciences e-mail:


The article describes the structure and tectonics of the Grib Diamond Deposit. The authors give details of the country rocks and overlying formations, and structural features of kimberlite pipes. Petrography of rocks in the crater and vent, and mineral and petrochemical composition of Grib kimberlites are characterized and compared with the Lomonosov Deposit kimberlites nearby. The data on diamond content and morphology of diamonds are given in brief.

keywords diamond-bearing province, crystalline basement, country rocks and overlying formations, kimberlite pipe, diamond content, crystal shapes

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