Журналы →  Eurasian mining →  2014 →  №1 →  Назад

Название Basic directions of the strategy of mastering of anthropogenic ore and placer deposits of noble metals
Автор Litvintsev V. S.
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Institute of Mining of Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences

Litvintsev V. S., Associate Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: Litvinzev@igd.khv.ru


The necessity of developing main strategies for effective mining of secondary industrial placers is substantiated based on the analysis of results of precious metal natural placers development in the FEFD with the objective of reducing the economic and social tension in the traditional regions of alluvial mining and improving the ecology in the region. When analysing the genetic characteristics of industrial placer formation in different regions of the FEFD, the characteristic feature of natural placers directly affecting the qualitative characteristics of man-made mineral formations should be considered, i.e. distribution of reserves in the most natural placers, both in content and in geometry, changes by a certain regularity - by the cluster type. Other features of industrial placers are reflected which characterize their high resource potential as well as the need for major scientific and practical research methods to assess resources and reserves of industrial placers, create high-payoff technologies for their development and beneficiation, to generate databases of man-made mineral targets and the unified system of keeping records and monitoring, and to develop special-purpose technologies. Main directions of strategy development to mine secondary industrial gold placers also include the need to address legal issues relating to their status.

Research was carried out в within the framework of the program «42P «Far East»: projects 12-I-0-ONZ-08 и 12-III-А-08-180.

Ключевые слова Secondary industrial hard rock and placer deposits, development of secondary industrial deposits, problematic issues of legislation
Библиографический список

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4. Van-Van-E A. P. The resource base of natural and secondary industrial gold placers. — Moscow: Publishing House "Mining Book", Publisher of Moscow State Mining University, 2010. — 268 p.
5. Litvintsev V. S. Secondary industrial placer deposits of nonferrous and precious metals of the Far Eastern Federal Okrug. Ways to improve the efficiency and environmental safety when open-pit mining solid minerals. — Novosibirsk: Publishing House of SB RAS, 2010. Ch. 5. pp. 154–178.
6. Mamaev Y. A., Litvintsev V. S., Ponomarchuk G. P. Secondary industrial precious metal placers of the Far East region of Russia and their sustainable development. — Moscow: Publishing House "Mining Book". 2010. — 309 p.
7. Pakhomov A. Y., Litvinenko I. S. Geological and geomorphological approach to gold mining from secondary industrial placers in the North-East of Russia. Problematic issues of the technogenic complex of gold deposits: Proceedings of the interregional scientific conference (Magadan, 15–17 July 2010). — Magadan: NEISRI FEB RAS, 2010. — pp. 152–154.
8. Ermakov S. A., Burakov A. M., Kasanov I. S. Technical approaches to the Kuranakh gold placer development. Geomechanical and geotechnical problematic aspects of effective mining of solid minerals in the North-Eastern regions of Russia: Proceedings of the All-Russia scientific and practical conference dedicated to the memory of Corresponding member of RAS Novopashin M. D. (Yakutsk, 13–15 September 2011). State Committee of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) on Innovation Policy and Science, Research Institution of the RAS, Chersky Mining Institute of the North, SB RAS, Larionov Institute of Physical and Technical Problems of the North, SB RAS; editor-in-chief S. M. Tkatch. — Yakutsk: Publishing of Melnikov Institute of Permafrost Studies, SB RAS, 23011. — 310 p.
9. Moiseenko V. G., Dementienko A. I. Nanosized gold resources in the mineral raw materials. Problems of geology and comprehensive development of natural resources in East Asia. Second All-Russia scientific conference: Book of reports — Blagoveshchensk: IGiP FEB RAS, 2012. — pp. 103–105.
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