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115th anniversary of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University
ArticleName Interrelation between onset of crystallization and internal stresses in amorphous metallic alloys
ArticleAuthor S. L. Ratushnyak, N. O. Gonchukova, T. V. Larionova, O. V. Tolochko

Institute of Silicate Chemistry of the RAS (Russia, St. Petersburg):

Ratushnyak S. L., Cand. Chem., Scientifi c Fellow, e-mail:
Gonchukova N. O., Dr. Phys.-Math., Lead. Research Fellow


St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (St. Petersburg, Russia):

Larionova T. V., Cand. Tech., Associate Prof.
Tolochko O. V., Dr. Tech., Prof.


Metallic alloys with amorphous-crystalline structure, synthesized by rapid quenching of the melt with subsequent heat treatment, may have higher level of physical and mechanical properties as compared to amorphous or crystalline alloys used for the same application. In such alloys the nucleation of crystalline phase occurs from the glass state; so the study of crystallization process of amorphous metallic alloys is a practically important. In this paper it was assumed that the beginning of crystallization must be associated with basic laws of the relaxation of the amorphous structure, for which welldeveloped mathematical apparatus exists. For industrial amorphous metallic alloys Fe77Ni1Si9B13 (2NSR), Fe58Ni20Si9B13 (20NSR) prepared by melt-spinning method, correlation between beginning of crystallization and internal (quenching) stress relaxation has been studied. Stress relaxation was calculated in viscoelastic approximation based on phenomenological concepts of structural relaxation in glass. Such calculations can be performed for any amorphous alloys and the amorphous coatings. Onset of crystallization was studied in dilatometric experiments and the results have showed the existence of correlation between structure rearrangement, which accompanied the beginning of crystallization, and internal stress relaxation. It makes possible to evaluate time-temperature regimes of heat treatment of amorphous alloys with the purpose to form amorphous-nanocrystalline structure by using the model description of stress relaxation in amorphous metallic alloys.

keywords Amorphous alloys, structural relaxation, nano-crystallization, crystal growth, deformation, internal (quenching) stresses

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