Журналы →  Chernye Metally →  2014 →  №2 →  Назад

Control, organization and management of production
Название Combination of SAP systems in continuous technological process
Автор R. Wittwen
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Corporate Business Solutions Unternehmensberatung GmbH (Heidelberg, Germany):

Wittwen R., Certifi ed Specialist, e-mail: sarah.merg@cbs-consulting.de


ArcelorMittal has finished the largest project in the history of this company in the field of data structural processing. Five exis ting SAP (Structural Analysis Program) clients, presenting the software for structural analysis of the system of enterprises, consist of three systems for steel making, HR system and treasury system for financial operations, have been united in the one common system. During the process of data transfer, financial control was unifi ed, structures of book-keeping account are modernized according to up-to-date requirements, as well as basic data and setting of users of the system were harmonized. As a result, two systems have been switched-off, what led to cut of operation expenses and time for technical maintenance. Essential lowering of TCO (Total Cost Ownership) was also achieved, as well as simplifi cation of financial control and accounting. Cleaning the systems from their duplicating elements made more easy conducting production and economical processes in the industry and rose their efficiency.

Ключевые слова SAP — structural analysis programs, continuous processes, financial operations, book-keeping accout, data processing, software, South Africa
Language of full-text русский
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