Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2013 →  №12 →  Назад

Название Geophysical monitoring of geological environment for solving of ecological problems within agglomeration of Kalush city
Автор Shurovskiy A. D., Anikeev S. G., Shamotko V. I., Deshchitsa S. A.
Информация об авторе

Prykarpattia State Enterprise “Spetsgeologorazvedka” (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine):

Shurovskiy A. D., Chief Geophysicist

Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine):

Anikeev S. G., Candidate of Geological Sciences, Assistant Professor, e-mail: pngg@nung.edu.ua


Carpathian Branch of S. I. Subbotin Institute of Geophysics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Kiev, Ukraine):

Shamotko V. I., Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Senior Researcher
Deshchitsa S. A., Candidate of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Head of Department


Environmentally dangerous processes, requiring the constant control, appear on the territory of exhausted Kalush-Golinsky deposit of potassium salts (Subcarpathian depression, Ukraine), as a result of its long-term exploitation (in connection with liquidation of mines and open pit) and usage of tailing dump. Geophysical monitoring (high-accuracy sounding gravity and electric survey by formation of nearest electromagnetic field) was carried out on mine fields with underground mine workings, which are abandoned by concentrated salt brines. The main task of monitoring is research of changes of status of geological environment in time, including the controlling of dynamics of formation of underground karst and mapping of anthropogenic pollution areas of the only elevation of potable water in the region. Underground karst is developed from bottom to top, which is substantiated by fall of mine roof and extrusion of conservation salt brines. At the same time, development of this karst leads to the downfall of day surface. In the spatial-temporal field of gravity force (difference field), this process is fixed by progressing negative local anomalies and anomaly electrical conduction by means of extruded salt brines. Complex gravielectric anomalies, caused by karst formation, were found practically on all exhausted mine fields. These anomalies also forecast the high probability of day surface downfalls. Pollution of potable water elevation by potassium production wastes happens both by means of extrusion of conservation salt brines from underground mine workings (chambers), and by means of leakages of these salt brines from tailing dumps and accumulating reservoirs and washing out of Dombrovskiy open pit dumps by aerial waters. As a result of sounding parametric measurements by formation of electromagnetic field on special observation holes, there is stated the direct dependence between intensity of induced signal and content of sum of salts in water-carrying elevation. Areas of anthropogenic pollution were mapped according to the data of electrical exploration on the basis of the foregoing dependence. The given materials of geophysical monitoring, carried out on the areas of deposit by separate profiles, correspond both about its high efficiency, and about the necessity of carrying out of detail monitoring within revealed potentially dangerous objects for making of timely measures for their liquidation.

Ключевые слова Geophysical monitoring, high-accuracy gravity survey, sounding electric survey by field formation, mine fields, underground karst, downfalls of day surface, areas of anthropogenic pollution, spatial-temporal anomalies of the gravity force field, gravitational modeling, decompression areas
Библиографический список

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