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ArticleName Long-term forecasting of gold price
ArticleAuthor Petrosov A. A., Potemkina E. A.

Moscow State Mining University (Moscow, Russia):

Petrosov A. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +7 (499) 230-25-92
Potemkina E. A., Economist-Manager


As a value equivalent and indicator of status of the world economy, the gold price is a basis of substantiation of reasonability of investments in mastering and development of gold deposits. There was defined that the gold price is decreased in the period of total rising of the world economy. On the other hand, in the period of fall, recession and economic crisis, the price grows to the flex point, characterizing the change of direction of development dynamics. Authors describe the long-term forecast of tendencies and trends of world prices of gold, developed on the basis of dynamics of prices for the period since 1983 till 2012 by calculation least-square method with use of approximating models of forecast. There is also carried out the comparative analysis of forecasts of other researches and organizations. In conclusion, authors have a statement that, taking into account the total buoyant dynamics of forecast of gold price till 2020-2022 and rather high level of its price in the first years after the bend of «Kondratiev wave», the nearest years are the most favourable for large investments in industrial mastering of new deposits of gold (including the Siberia and Far East regions, which are difficult to access). High price of gold will make it possible to do the economically efficient and rather reliable compensation of invested means. Taking into account the pay-back periods, the delay of investment for 5 years is more problematic. At the same time, the delay of investment for 10 years and more is economically low-productive, which will correspond to the downward tendency of the gold price.

keywords world gold prices, factors of influence, dynamic of prices, tendencies, trends, methods of forecasting, wave dynamics of economy, falls, recessions, crises, flex points, forecast models, investments into the gold mining

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Language of full-text russian
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