Журналы →  Gornyi Zhurnal →  2013 →  №10 →  Назад

Название Choice of innovation strategy of development of enterprise
Автор Zhdankin N. A.
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National University of Science and Technology "MISIS" (Moscow, Russia):

Zhdankin N. A., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, e-mail: regul-consult@mail.ru


This article considers the possibility of application of innovation approaches for the choice of efficient strategy of the company development:
-application of «weight» matrix for the analysis of key factors of internal and external environment;
-method of paired comparisons for the choice of the best method of strategy.
«Weight» matrix makes it possible to estimate the factors of environment, making the pairwise «weighing» and comparison against each other: powers and weaknesses are compared with possibilities and threats. According to this, there are chosen the most significant or key factors of environment, which make the basic influence on the status of enterprise in market environment. The method of paired comparisons is applied during the choice of the strategy ways for the purpose of neutralization of emotion and psychological status of owners and top-managers. This method makes it possible for the company to make an accent on the most efficient ways of strategy. Together with realization of these strategies, the company receives new competitive advantages and high-power impulse for the conquest of leading positions on the market.

Ключевые слова Enterprise, efficient development strategy, development, strength and weakness of enterprise, possibilities and threats of environment, «weight» matrix, key factors of environment, method of paired comparisons, priority ways of strategy
Библиографический список

1. Gershman M. A. Innovatsionnyy menedzhment (Innovation management). Moscow : Market DC, 2010, 200 p.
2. Zhdankin N. A. Generalnyy direktor. Upravlenie promyshlennym predpriyatiem — Chief Executive Officer. Industrial enterprise management, 2012, No. 6, pp. 38–45.
3. David. A. Aaker. Strategicheskoe rynochnoe upravlenie (Strategic Market Management). Translated from English. Seventh edition. Saint-Petersburg : Piter, 2007, 496 p.
4. Cliff Bowman. Strategiya na praktike (Strategy in Practice). Translated from English. Saint Petersburg : Piter, 2003, 250 p.
5. Vikhanskiy O. S. Strategicheskoe upravlenie : uchebnik. Vtoroe izdanie, pererabotannoe i dopolnennoe (Strategic management : tutorial. Second edition, revised and enlarged). Moscow : Ekonomist, 2006, 296 p.
6. Per V. Jenster, David Hussey. Analiz silnykh i slabykh storon kompanii. Opredelenie strategicheskikh vozmozhnostey (Analysis of strength and weaknesses of company. Definition of strategic possibilities). Translation from English. Moscow : Williams, 2003, 368 p.
7. Zhdankin N. A. Motivatsiya personala. Izmerenie i analiz (Motivation of personnel. Measurement and analysis). Moscow : Finpress, 2010, 272 p.
8. Zhdankin N. A. «Shpory» dlya bossa, ili Kak generalnomu direktoru prishporit neeffektivnyy biznes («Spurs» for the boss, or how chief executive officer can accelerate the non-efficient business). Moscow : Delo i Servis, 2011, 368 p.
9. Ethan Rasiel. Metod McKinsey: ispolzovanie tekhnik velushchikh strategicheskikh konsultantov dlya sebya i svoego biznesa (The McKinsey Way: Using the Techniques of the World's Top Strategic Consultants to Help You and Your Business). Translated from English. Moscow : Alpina Business Books, 2001, 194 p.

Language of full-text русский
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