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ArticleName The Effect of Surface Treatment in a Solution of Polyacrylic Acid on the Photoluminescent Properties of Porous Silicon
ArticleAuthor V. M Kashkarov, A. S. Lenshin, P. V. Seredin, D. A. Minakov, B. L. Agapov, V. N. Tsipenyuk

Voronezh State University:

V. M Kashkarov

A. S. Lenshin

P. V. Seredin

B. L. Agapov

V. N. Tsipenyuk


Air Force Academy named after Prof. N. E. Zhukovsky and Yu. A. Gagarin:

D. A. Minakov


Porous silicon (por−Si) has a unique set of physic−chemical properties of characteristics — well−developed surface and consequently, a high sorption activity. In a dependence of the fabrication technique it is possible to form pores and clusters of nanometer size that makes this material rather prospective for elaborations in optoelectronics and sensors production. However, high surface activity stipulates porous silicon instability in the atmosphere. The work is concerned with the study of the influence of por−Si surface treatment in the aqueous solution of polyacrylic acid on the composition and photoluminescence of this material. It was found that this treatment can either enhance and stabilize PL of the material or change spectral position of PL band and also enhance its total intensity in a dependence of the fabrication technique.

keywords Porous silicon, nanomaterials, electron structure, photoluminescence

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Language of full-text russian
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