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ArticleName Status of ore mining complex of Komi Republic
ArticleAuthor Shekhter M. M.

Ministry of Development of Industry and Transport of Komi Republic (Syktyvkar, Russia):

Shekhter M. M., Head of Department of Coal and Ore Mining Industry, e-mail :


Komi Republic is geographically close to industrially developed regions of Ural and North-West region. It includes various large explored reserves:
- high-quality bauxites of Middle Timan;
- oil-titanium and titanium-containing ores;
- kerosene shales in Pritimanye and in the south of the Republic;
- barite and iron-manganese ores.
The Republic also includes the developed deposits of placer and native gold in Nether-Polar Urals region and potential resources of chromites, copper, cobalt, quarts, rare-metal and rare-earth ores. Non-metallic minerals (phosphorites, zeolites, glaukonite, mineral salts), which can be used as agromineral and mine-chemical raw materials, are also widely spread on the territory of Republic. There is defined that modern status of Komi Republic industry is connected with mastering of mineral resources, which has only raw materials orientation. There are given the following prospective directions of development of mining industry complex of the Republic:
- construction of large mine-chemical and processing industries both on the basis of functioning mining enterprises, and on the basis of once again created enterprises, with compliance of modern ecological standards;
- following development of transport infrastructure of the Republic;
- geological research of prospective deposits on the territory of the Komi Republic and their involvement in industrial development.

keywords Komi Republic, mineral resource base, resource potential, industrial mastering of reserves, mining enterprises

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Language of full-text russian
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