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ArticleName Manufacturing of blasting operations in complex hydrogeological conditions
ArticleAuthor Norov Yu. Dzh., Nasirov U. F., Bibik I. P., Norov Zh. A., Normatova M. Zh.

State Enterprise «Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine» (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan):

Norov Yu. Dzh., Head of Mining Bureau of Central Research Laboratory, Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences, phone: +998 (79) 227-64-70

Bibik I. P., Deputy Chief Engineer of Central Mining Department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences

Norov Zh. A., Engineer of Mining Bureau of Central Research Laboratory


Tashkent State Technical University (Tashkent, Republic of Uzbekistan):

Nasirov U. F., Professor, Doctor of Engineering Sciences


Navoi State Mining Institute (Navoi, Republic of Uzbekistan):

Normatova M. Zh., Senior Lecturer


Charging of holes by water-resistant explosives is the easiest way of carrying out of blasting operations in open pits in watered rock massif. For a long time, expensive granuletol has been used as these explosives, which made a negative influence on economics of mining enterprise. In practice, there was made an attempt to replace the granuletol by cheaper non-water-resistant explosive (up to the simple composition), using the charge waterproofing in watered hole by placing it into the polyethylene tubing. However, because of the tubing break possibility, this method appeared to be organizationally complex and non-reliable. Only with the beginning of manufacturing of emulsion explosives, there was found the fundamental problem-solving method: granuletol and grammonite 30/70 were completely replaced by these explosives with maximal economic effect. This article describes the technology of charging of watered holes by emulsion explosives in open pits of Navoi Mining and Metallurgical Combine.

keywords Watered massif, blasting operations, drill hole, charge of explosives, emulsion explosives

1. Norov Yu. D., Bibik I. P., Normatova M. Zh., Urinov Sh. K. Gornyy vestnik Uzbekistana — Mining Bulletin of Uzbekistan, 2012, No. 4, pp. 31–33

Language of full-text russian
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